Diploma In Early Childhood Care and Education

Early Childhood Care and Education

Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education course focuses on the development of cognitive, social and psycho-motor abilities at the primary years of a child’s life.

With the help of this course, teachers will be able to educate the children and inculcate values along with a positive attitude towards life. Teachers will also learn to establish a stimulating and enriching environment which is essential for the growth of a child. The training focuses on accelerating the growth of children.

Duration of the Course:

The duration of this course (Diploma In Early Childhood Care and Education) is 1 Year

Modules taught in the course:

Module 1: Understanding child psychology

Module 2: Objectives of Early Childhood Care and Education

Module 3: Principles of Learning

Module 4: Pedagogical approaches

Module 5: Essential play and learning materials

Module 6: Role of teacher

Module 7: Basics of language and maths

Module 8: Songs, rhymes and story-telling

Module 9: Sensorial

Module 10: Stimulating Child Centered Program (Curriculum)