Communicative English

A complete English communications course – grammar, vocabulary, speaking, writing, and listening activities. Transform your English language skills with this intensive online learning program. Make your English communication clear and effective with warm-up exercises, practice sets, and video lessons.

What is communicative English? Well it’s in the name… Communicating in English! Communicative English is an approach to language teaching in which a student learns from real life interaction, which can help to reinforce the value of their studies. Our course help you explore exactly what Communicative English is, some techniques on how to improve your English Communication Skills, as well as exploring the Communicative Approach, a tried and tested method for improving your English skills as effectively as possible.

How To Learn Communicative English

Are you asking yourself “How Can I Learn Communicative English”? Well, to learn how to communicate in English effectively, you have to remember it’s not all about what you learn in the classroom or from your textbook. You need to know how to converse, communicate, and think fast. Learning how to communicate in English will require a lot of practice with people who speak the language.

When practicing your Communicative English Skills with others, you should always look to improve on the way you speak, the accent and the sentence structures you use, as well as anything you can pick up from the person you are speaking with – what’s their body language like? Do they use any slang words or phrases? What tone are they using to pose questions with? You can learn so much from others, and that’s what the Communicative Approach is all about really, learning from others in a meaningful and valuable way.

How To Improve Your English Communication Skills

There are hundreds of fantastic techniques out there that can help you to improve your English communication skills. Communicative English requires practice, and trying to perfect your communication skills is no easy task.

Below we have listed some of our top tips for when it comes to adopting the communicative approach in your studies, and helping you to improve your English communication skills:

Think Before You Speak – A great first tip for improving your English Communications Skills would be to think about what you’re going to say before you speak. By thinking about what you are going to say in advance, you reduce the chances of having to awkwardly wait while you develop an answer to a question or think about how to push a conversation forward.

Part of the Communicative Approach is to think about what you might have to say in advance, so that you’re prepared for whatever direction your conversation takes.

Practice With Others – This is probably one of the most vital elements when it comes to perfecting your English Communication Skills and adopting the Communicative Approach within your studies. It is essential for you to practice with others, whether that be other learners or native speakers. By practicing with others, not only will you be getting real life English Communication experience, but you will also be developing your natural abilities for learning a language moving forward. Even the most proficient native speakers are naturally learning from their interactions.

Don’t Just Learn Words, Learn Your Sentences Too – It’s important to not only learn your vocabulary, as although this is useful, it’s not going to benefit you when your conversation consists of more than a single word. Learn your sentences too! By learning your sentences and practicing these, you will be well prepared for a lot of English Communication scenarios. For example, if you know you are going to be meeting new people, then practice your sentences explaining who you are, where you come from, and what you like.

Of course, you can’t always predict the direction of your conversations in advanced, but by learning your sentences and practicing these, you should be ready for a whole range of different topics.

Focus On Fluency – Another tip for when it comes to developing your Communicative English skills would be to practice your fluency. Try to speak as if you were a native! You may not get it right at the beginning, but hopefully the more and more you practice your fluency, the better your English Communications should become.

By practicing your fluency you are on the first track to faultless English communication skills.

Don’t Rush When You Speak – You may be a lighting fast speaker when it comes to your mother tongue. But expecting to communicate as fast with a foreign language is not realistic. Slow down and think. More importantly, don’t rush a sentence, because the last thing you want is a poorly formed sentence. If you spend less time rushing your sentences, it should give you more breathing space to think about what you’re going to say. By taking your time to speak you will be ensuring that what you are saying is correct and makes sense.

By understanding what communicative English is, and how it can benefit you and your studies, you are on the fast track to effortless English communication skills. If you would like to find out some more information about the communicative approach and how you can further develop your English communication skills, then why not consider an English Language Course with expert trainer , Our English courses are designed to make the most out of your language studies, ensuring effortless communication in no time at all. Discover more by contacting us today.